
Guidelines for Talks and Posters
You can send us the pdf of talk to evolgal4d@gmail.com preferentially the day before your talk. You can also use your own laptop but we ask you to test that everything works correctly the day or session before your talk.-
Invited speakers: 45 min (40 talk +5 questions)
Keynote speakers: 30 min (25 talk +5 questions)
Contributed talks: 15 min ( 12 talk + 3 questions)
Posters will be exhibited during the whole workshop. Size: maximum recommended size 90 x 120 m.
Poster presentation session: Each presenter will have the opportunity to introduce their poster briefly to the workshop audience, 3 minute presentation.
To facilitate these lightning presentations, please prepare a maximum of 2 slides summarising your poster. Kindly send your slides to us (evolgal4d@gmail.com) by November 20 to ensure they are included in the presentation schedule. The format should be pdf only.